Miyajima, a must-visit on your trip to Hiroshima! How to get there by train and ferry

Japan Travel


14% of the island is a World Heritage Site, and Miyajima is such a historic island. It is known, among other things, for Itsukushima Shrine.
The 10-minute ferry ride can be enjoyed as an interesting diversion during your trip, making it a must-visit place on your trip to Hiroshima.

Miyajima is an island surrounded by the sea.
Therefore, to cross to Miyajima, you need to go by boat. The major way is by ferry.

It takes about 30 minutes by train from Hiroshima Station, which many people will use when traveling to Hiroshima.
Even if you combine the time spent walking to the ferry terminal and boarding the ferry, you can visit Miyajima in a little over an hour from Hiroshima Station if you have a good connection.

Miyajima, a beautiful World Heritage site! Let’s enjoy the access to the island as well!

When you travel to Hiroshima, you will probably use Hiroshima Station to get to Miyajima. Here, we will describe how to get to Miyajima from Hiroshima Station.
You can enjoy the scenery from the train or ferry while you are on your way to Miyajima.

If you are traveling to Hiroshima by plane, you will probably arrive at Hiroshima Airport.

The limousine bus is a convenient way to get from Hiroshima Airport to Hiroshima Station.
Please see the above article for more information about that.

From Hiroshima Station to Miyajima-guchi Station

From Hiroshima Station, you will take a regular train or streetcar to Miyajimaguchi Station, the closest station to the Miyajima Ferry Terminal.

Here, we will spell out how to get there using the Sanyo Line.


From the Sanyo Line boarding gate, take a train bound for “Miyajima/Iwakuni”.


The trains on the Sanyo Line are mustard-colored. When traveling, the color and layout of the trains are slightly different, and it is fun to see them.


It takes about 30 minutes to arrive at Miyajima-guchi Station.

Incidentally, there are other ways to get to Miyajima-guchi Station from Hiroshima Station by streetcar.
It is about half the price of the 410 yen trip on the Sanyo Line, but it takes more than an hour longer. For sightseeing, using the Sanyo Line is likely to be more advantageous in terms of time.

From Miyajima-guchi Station, head for the ferry terminal to Miyajima. Many people will go in the same direction, so if you follow the flow, you will not get lost.


It takes about 10 minutes on foot from the Miyajima Station exit to the ferry terminal.

There are places to eat near the ferry terminal, so you may want to grab a bite to eat before heading to Miyajima.

Take the ferry to Miyajima


There is an automatic ticket vending machine at the ferry terminal.
The fare is 180 yen.


Depending on the time of day, the ferry departs approximately every 15 minutes.
The ferry ride takes about 10 minutes.


Now it’s time to get on the ferry. The boat is a great way to get excited about the trip. This is one of the attractions of visiting Miyajima.

Oyster farms can be seen in the sea.


You will arrive at Miyajima in about 10 minutes.
It is a short but enjoyable ferry ride.

So, depending on train and ferry connections, it will take about 1 to 1.5 hours to get there if you head straight.

Miyajima, an island full of attractions


Miyajima is a beautiful island that combines historical buildings and nature. 14% of the island is a World Heritage Site.

It is a place full of attractions such as Itsukushima Shrine, Yayama Shrine, Kiyomori Shrine, oysters, conger eels, and more.


In addition to the shrines and other attractions, the island is surrounded by the sea, making it a pleasant place just to walk around.
It is also a good place to spend time relaxing while gazing at the sea.


It is a highly satisfying sightseeing spot where you can also admire the classic scenery.

I will write about my visit to each sightseeing spot in another article.


Miyajima is recommended as a travel destination.
Having fully enjoyed the historical buildings and nature, I was able to realize that my body and mind, which had not been in good shape before the trip, felt refreshed and lighter by the time I left the island.

For access, we recommend taking the Sanyo Line and a ferry.
There is plenty to see and do on Miyajima, so it is best to move early and spend more time on Miyajima.

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